Two-thirds of the St Ann’s Hospital site was due to be sold for a private housing development, in a proposal that took no account of the needs of local people at a time of severe housing need. A group of Haringey residents and workers formed the St. Ann’s Redevelopment Trust (StART) because they wanted to see the St Ann’s Hospital site used for permanently and genuinely affordable homes, promoting health and well-being, and creating a green neighbourhood.
The GLA purchased the land from the NHS, and StART worked with the GLA to ensure a community-led development on the site, and influenced the brief for the GLA’s development partners, which includes a requirement for at least 50 CLH homes to be delivered.
How we helped
We funded StART to develop tenure mix options and development options for the CLH homes on the site. StART have since decided they will not continue as an organisation providing housing, but have supported the formation of Gida Housing Co-op.