Last week we hosted our Community Housing Fund Q&A at Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre and invited community groups, advisers and development partners to put forward practical questions around the prospectus.
The Mayor’s announced of the London Community Housing Fund in January with £38m revenue and capital funding available to community groups looking to develop new homes. We have had significant interest since the launch of the prospectus and the Q&A was a great opportunity to ask specific questions.

We invited Francesca Lewis, Housing Policy Manager at the GLA, to present the prospectus and join our Project Director Levent Kerimol in answering questions around the funding available.
The fund is split into £30m capital and £8m revenue, to support 500 community led homes starting on site by April 2023. Organisations can apply for funding up to that date or until the funding has been fully committed. We are working alongside the GLA to discuss potential applications with all CLH groups and organisations. So please feel free to get in contact.
We had a great response to our call for questions, with a wide variety from groups and organisations. Linda Wallace, CEO of CDS Co-operatives, chaired an in-depth discussion around the funding as well as on becoming a registered provider.
It was great to have Coin Street Community Builders’ support and hear from Iain Tuckett about their incredible achievements and future plans. Iain shared how building organisational structures and engaging with your local politicians is key in running a successful organisation.
We have collated the questions and answers we received both ahead of the event and on the day, into an FAQ sheet available to download below.
Community Housing Fund Presentation Slides
“Community consent and control” – key strategic criterion for London’s Community Housing Fund says @MayorofLondon s Francesca Lewis. ????
— igloo Community Builders (@iglooCommunity) February 15, 2019
#CommunityHousingFund Excited to find out more about the £38M fund that the GLA are making available to support community led housing in London! @CoinStreet @LevLondon @CLHLondon
— NW3 CLT (@NW3CLT) February 15, 2019
At the London Community Housing Fund Q&A. Very informative! Thanks for organising @CLHLondon . Super excited to see what comes of the programme in bringing many #communityledhousing projects forward in the capital.
— Kennedy (@kwalkeronline) February 15, 2019
Thank you for organising this!
— Forest CLT (@ForestCLT) February 15, 2019